Mile High Divorce Consulting & Recovery
Denver, Colorado 303-928-1212
Specializing in High Conflict Divorce
I am a certified High Conflict Divorce Consultant and an Associate Member of the American Bar Association-Family Law Section. Mastering the art of communicating with a high-conflict personality as well as strategically documenting events are key components to successfully navigating a high-conflict divorce. I will help you adopt the right mindset as well as understanding your local family court system. I will work with you to create a plan and give you the tools you need to take on a high-conflict divorce or custody conflict.
Proven track record in conflict resolution, effective communication, and providing emotional support to clients. Skilled in co-parenting strategies, legal navigation and crisis management. Dedicated to helping clients achieve a positive outcome during challenging times.

Mile High Divorce Consulting & Recovery

Why you need a divorce coach...
No matter where you are in your divorce process, you need a divorce Coach. Divorce is considered one of the most significant emotional and financial events in your life. It is a process of redrawing all the boundaries. I will help you quarterback your divorce, before, during and after to ensure you are supported from all directions. My goal is to educate my clients, demystify and clarify the process of divorce. Matching you with a team of experts helps to streamline the process and avoid unnecessary lengthy divorce and custody battles. I strive to provide my clients with unmatched emotional support throughout the process. I am here to be your ally, manage your expectations and guide you during this highly significant time of your life.

Mile High Divorce Consulting & Recovery, LLC
Denver, Colorado

Cindy Sullivan
-Certified High Conflict Divorce Coach

"Cindy Sullivan was enrolled in my High Conflict Divorce Coach Certification and has since become certified as a high-conflict divorce coach. Cindy Sullivan will be an amazing resource and advocate for those who find themselves in a high-conflict divorce or child-custody battle. It was an honor to have her in the program and I look forward to cheering her on in her coaching business."
- Tina Swithin, CEO/Founder of the High Conflict Divorce Coach Certification Program